Buy Credits

Do you want to use the AI Toolbox for your work professionally or simply increase your creativity? Then buy Credits and use the AI Toolbox without restrictions.

Full access to all tools

Generate high-resolution images

Generate high quality texts

Boost creativity and productivity

No subscription, full control

AI Spark Pack

Test and Discover

120 Credits

+ 5 Free Credits

AI Power Pack

Professional Use

250 Credits

+ 25 Free Credits

Most popular

AI Nuclear Pack

For freelancers and companies

700 Credits

+ 100 Free Credits

How many credits do I need?

Image Generator

1 Credit for 4 image variants

Chat Assistant

Premium: 0.4 Credits per 1000 tokens
Economy: 0.03 Credits per 1000 tokens
1 Token corresponds on average to 5 characters.
The number of tokens results from the prompt (the entered question) plus the generated output.

Text Tool

0.05 Credits per request (a request is executed when text is inserted or changed, the number of words is unlimited)